Municipal Elections

City Elections
Those interested in serving in the legislative branch of the City's government can file for candidacy starting in the middle of December for the Municipal Elections that are held on the 1st Tuesday of April the following calendar year.
The Mayor's Office is the "face" of the City. A constant representative, the Mayor is responsible for attending and participating in regional meetings and events that have a direct impact on the City. A fierce advocate for the City, the Mayor acts as liason between City Government and the people, utilizing their time to educate constituents on important issues that will affect the City.
The Mayor serves a four (4) year term. Anyone interested in running for the Mayor's Office must be at least 30 years of age and have lived within the city limits of Waynesville for two (2) years prior to the election.
A Councilman's main objective is to work in tandum with his counterparts on the City Council in order to enact laws or "ordinances" pertaining to how the City operates.
Each of the four (4) Wards of the City are represented by two (2) Councilman. Each year, one seat from each Ward is up for election. If a Councilman was appointed by the Mayor to fill a vacant seat on the Council, that seat will be included in the next following election. The appointed member must either file for election and win the seat, or only serve the appointed one-year term.
In order to run for election, candidates must be at least 21 years of age, have lived within the city limits of Waynesville for one (1) year prior to the election and be a member of the Ward in which he was elected.
Next Scheduled Election - April 2nd, 2024
Election Details
Notice Of Annual Municipal Election
City Of Waynesville
Notice is hereby given that at the annual municipal election to be held in the City of Waynesville, Missouri on the 2nd day of April, 2024, the following offices of the City will be filled:
Mayor - 4 year term
Councilman in Ward 1 (2 year term)
Councilman in Ward 2 (2 year term)
Councilman in Ward 3 (2 year term)
Councilman Ward 3 (unexpired 1 year term)
Councilman in Ward 4 (2 year term)
Michele Brown, City Clerk
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