Board of Adjustments

About your Board

Date & Time:  Scheduled As Needed

The Board of Adjustments hears all appeals related to any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Building Official regarding the City's building code. A variance can affect or change minimum set-back requirements, building height and floor area limits as well as similar dimensional issues.  However, a variance cannot be used to alter the essential character of the zoning district in which the land is located.  The Board of Adjustments reviews the property owner's request and either approves or denies their application.  

Board Members

The Board of Adjustments is comprised of individuals who live within Pulaski County and have a background in  Planning & Zoning, Building Code or Government itself.  Currently there are five members of the Board of Adjustments with the City Administrator acting in as ex officio member of the Board.  If you are interested in serving on the Board of Adjustments you can find out more information on applying here.

Chairman Mike Dunbar

Chairman Mike Dunbar

Mike Dunbar and his family moved to Waynesville in 1987 after serving four years as a Staff Judge Advocate Officer in the Army, here at Fort Leonard Wood.  Mr. Dunbar practiced law for fifteen years before joining and then becoming the President/CEO of Security Bank of Pulaski County in 2006.

A strong supporter and active member of our community,  Mr. Dunbar has served on several Boards and Commissions in Pulaski County and the State of Missouri to include the Waynesville/Saint Robert Chamber of Commerce, serving as President of the Chamber from 2012-2014, the Board of Directors of the Leonard Wood Institue, the Missouri Military Preparedness and Enhancement Commission and was awarded the Lieutenant Governor's Veterans Service Award in 2014.

Mr. Dunbar brings a lifetime worth of knowledge and experience to the Board and the City appreciates his commitment and willingness to serve his Community.

Additional Member of the Board of Adjustments