City Clerk

The City Clerk's Office serves as a general information center for the public and handles the following items for the City:
Licenses and Permits
Whether you are looking to start your business or renew your current license, the City Clerk's office can help you with any permitting needs you may have.
City Council Agenda and Meeting Information
Looking for details about upcoming Council meetings? Here is a great place to start. The City Clerk is responsible for maintaining all meeting information and minutes of the City Council. You can check out past meeting minutes and information with the link below.
Public Records Request
You can find out more information on Open Records requests, along with the lastest request form.
Municipal Code & City Ordinances
The City's Municipal Code is online and can be accessed from the link below.
Recently passed ordinances can be found on the City's website for review before they are codified into the City's Municipal Code.
Municipal Elections
Municipal Elections are held yearly and any citizen who has been a resident of Waynesville for two-years is encouraged to declare their candidacy for a Ward seat.