Contact Us

Have a question or request?  Feel free to use the contact information listed below.  Simply select the appropriate staff member you wish to contact, click on the email link and let us know how we can help you. 

Tracey York

Open Records and Sunshine Requests

Tracey York - Deputy City Clerk

Amber Braaksma

Utility Billing and Services

Amber Braaksma - Administrative Assistant - Utilities

Doug Potts

Economic Development and Business Relations

Doug Potts - Economic Development Coordinator

Melony Carmon

Business License Inquiries - Special Events - RV Parks and Pavilion Rentals

Melony Carmon - Executive Assistant to the Economic Development Coordinator

Sandy Willis

Building Permits and Inspections

Service and Work Orders

Sandy Willis - Administrative Asssitant to the Building Official

Denise Jacobs

Volunteer Opportunties

Denice Jacobs - Administrative Assistant to the City Administrator

Miriam Jones

Waynesville/Saint Robert Regional Airport

Miriam Jones - Administrative Services Manager

E-mail correspondence is maintained in accordance with applicable provisions of State law and may be considered public records. Public disclosure of your communication may be required.