Finance Officer

The City Finance Officer's main focus is to assist the City Administrator in the preparation of the yearly budget. Additionally, the Finance Officer is responsible for the completion of the annual audit, reviewing the financial performance of individual departments, assisting in the procurement of funding through grants or other financial institutions and oversees the collection process of accounts receivable and accounts payable.
The Finance Officer also provides monthly reports and other documentation to the City Administrator, Finance Committee and City Council. More information regarding those documents can be found below.
Annual Budget
The annual budget process of the City usually starts during the month of September. Each department is involved in helping to prepare a draft budget, which usually goes before City Council in November for approval. It is the Finance Officer's responsibility to prepare this draft budget based on the information gathered during the budget meetings.
Yearly Audit
Each year the City of Waynesville's finances are audited by an independent, external accounting firm. The City's Finance Officer works hand in hand with our auditors to ensure they have the proper documentation needed to complete the audit in a timely fashion.
Monthly Financial Statements & Reports
The Finance Officer prepares and presents monthly financial statements and reports on the City's accounts, budget and cash flow status. These reports are presented to the Finance Committee and City Council at their respective meetings.