Please email your completed forms to the City Clerk's office.
Presentation at Council Meetings
Requests for proclamations will be reviewed by City Staff and the Mayor, after which the City will notify how the proclamation will be presented. If a formal presentation at a City Council meeting is available, the expectation is there will be at least one representative on hand to receive the proclamation from the Mayor, and that representative will make brief comments. Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 PM, except on recognized holidays.
Instructions for accepting proclamations and recognition at a City Council meeting:
Proclamations and recognitions are presented at the beginning of the meeting. It is advised that you arrive a few minutes before the start time.
If you or anyone in your party has mobility issues, please inform the Mayor's Office beforehand so we can have staff deliver the proclamation or recognition to you during the meeting. A hand-held microphone can be made available.
The Mayor will begin by reading all or a portion of the proclamation/recognition. You may accept the proclamation and then say a few words at that time. You may bring others with you.
Please identify yourself and anyone else with you by name, your organization, and your title. You may make brief comments (about 3-5 minutes).
After accepting the proclamation or recognition, you may be seated or feel free to leave the meeting.
If a formal City Council meeting presentation is unavailable, the proclamation will be mailed to the requester. However, a representative can attend any City Council or Committee Meeting to comment on a proclamation.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with City Clerk Michele Brown at 573-774-6171 or at
Special Presentations
The City Council appreciates the opportunity to hear updates from citizen groups or agencies affiliated with the City to report on recent or upcoming community events and activities. The City Council meets monthly on the third Thursday. The Council does not meet on federally recognized holidays that fall on the regularly scheduled meetings.
Requests to make City Council presentations should be submitted at least four weeks before the preferred Council Meeting date. City staff and the mayor will review these requests and notify the applicant if time is available for the requested meeting date. If such time is not available, the applicant is welcome to speak during any regularly scheduled Citizen Comments portion of regular City Council Meetings to provide a brief report to the Council.
Contact Info
Sean. A. Wilson
100 Tremont Center Waynesville, Missouri 65583
Email Sean. A. Wilson
Visit Mayor Wilson's Facebook Page