Committees of the City Council

How Your Committees Work
The City of Waynesville utilizes a form of government that is Committee based. In other words, most legislation and decisions regarding the day to day operation of the City is discussed at the Committee level before being presented to the full City Council for vote.
This manner of government makes citizen involvement easier and more personal as all committees are open to the public. Citizens are encouraged to come and speak with Committee members in regards to any problems or concerns they may have. In most instances, the Committee can instruct City staff to conduct research regarding citizen complaints. Most concerns can be handled by the Committee expediting the resolution process. Also, if your Ward Representative does not sit on a particular Committee that you would like to forward concerns to, they may still speak on your behalf at those meetings as long as the number of Councilman at a particular meeting does not violate quorum guidelines for the Council as a whole. A list of Committees and their duties and functions are listed below.