Human Resources

In Local Government, The Work We Do Directly Benefits Our Community

The City of Waynesville has been voted one of the happiest places to live in the State of Missouri. Because of this, working for such a vibrant and dynamic community is an excellent personal and professional opportunity.
With a new outlook and a focus on excellence in teamwork, Administrative staff work hard to provide you with a quality work environment that ensures professional growth and top-notch support of staff.
Employee Benefits
Paid Leave
As part of the City of Waynesville's Benefit Package, full- time employees are eligible for the following:
Paid Time Off (PTO) - Depending on your length of service, an employee can accumulate up to 20 hours per month in PTO hours.
Holidays - Employees receive 12 paid holidays during the year to include Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Health Insurance
The City of Waynesville Pays 100% of an employee's health insurance premium including dental, putting more wages in an employee's pocket on pay day. We offer three tiers of the same amazing coverage. What is the difference between them? The deductiable and total out of pocket expense for an employee for the year. The longer you remain with the City, the better the deductiable and less you pay out of pocket. We want you to look at the City as a career, not just a job and we are willing to invest in employees who invest in us.
Life Insurance
The City also prvides term life insurance with an optioin for employees to purchase addtional coverage at a low cost. Dependant coverage is also available at group rates, as well.
The City is currently enrolled in the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System. All contributions to LAGERS is paid by the City on your behalf, once again keeping the wages you earn with you. You can learn more about MoLAGERS by accessing their website Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System.
Supplemental Insurance and Retirement Programs
Provided at a minimal cost, the City offers employees the opportunity of obtaining supplemental insurance and retirement plans at group cost.
Download the Employee Benefits Summary Brochure for more information.