Lawn and Leaf Disposal Facility

The City of Waynesville maintains a lawn and leaf disposal facility located approximately ¼ mile from Historic Route 66 on Hwy F. In order to make use of the facility, the following policy and procedure should be followed:
The lawn and leaf disposal facility is free to residents, businesses, tenats and property owners that are located within the City limits of Waynesville.
Commercial Contractors: $300.00 - yearly (key issued)
(There will be a $25.00 charge for any lost or stolen keys)
Authorized Materials:
Only biodegradable yard waste such as lawn clippings, tree and shrub branches and leaves are allowed within the facility. If leaves are transported in plastic bags, please remove the leaves from the bags and take the plastic with you.
Plastic bags full of trash and/or construction materials, including but not limited to, processed lumber, sheet rock, appliances, masonry and paneling are not allowed.
Hours of Operation:
The Yard Waste Facility is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00am until 3:30pm.
Entry Procedure:
Keys are available for check-out at City Hall in order to gain entry into the facility. Please bring a picture ID in order to check out a key. Keys should be returned no later than 3:15pm on the day it is checked out. A $25.00 charge will be applied to all persons who do not return their key by the time specified.
The facility will be open both Saturday and Sunday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Keys can be checked out at the Waynesville Police Station by contacting them at (573) 774-2414. Please be patient as Officers may be detained in reporting to the station in order to issue a key. All keys should be returned by the time specified. If an officer is not available to check in your key, please place your key in an envelope with your name and contact number and place the key in the City’s drop box at Waynesville City Hall. A $25.00 charge will be applied to all persons who do not return their key by the time specified.